Eden Vs Gethsemane
The beauty of the sun radiating on their faces
Finding out they are in Eden
A rosy garden filled with trees, fruits and herbs
Picking an apple to eat
So she can see like Him
Not knowing she was coerced
An apple a day they say keeps the doctor away
Should have been an apple a day keeps you away
From His Garden (God’s presence)
By their actions sin entered the world
Bringing about death (and the need for clothes 😉😉)
Who beguiled you? O Eve!
Evicted from Eden by its creator
Never to return nor see its beauty
Guarded by a cherubim with a flaming sword
A life of struggle, sin and whatnot began
I wonder who eats all those fruits now
By His grace I’ll see it someday
Then comes a man whose head is white like wool
And hairs as white as snow
Whose eyes are as a flame of fire
And His voice as the sound of many waters
Who went about doing His Father’s will
Healing all that were oppressed by the serpent in Eden
In His own garden which wasn’t as rosy as Eden
Instead it was filled with tears that dropped as blood
He went to die for sins that weren’t His
Sins brought about by combined actions of Eve and the serpent (don’t get me started on this guy 😡😡)
So as to redeem a lost world back to His Father
Thereby showing a perfect example of Holiness and Righteousness
He now lives forever
Seated at the right hand of the Father
With a name that is above every other name
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow
And made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus
Giving us hope for a brighter future